Friday, November 16, 2018

Weekend Liver Tips: Don't Ignore Your Liver

Weekend Liver Tips: Don't Ignore Your Liver: It's Friday and one week until the holiday shopping begins, and the poor eating and drinking really starts to kick in. I am guilty of ...

Don't Ignore Your Liver

It's Friday and one week until the holiday shopping begins, and the poor eating and drinking really starts to kick in.

I am guilty of it for sure. More so on the food than the booze.

Let's try this holiday season to be more mindful on what's going on inside our bodies. Blocked Chakras, Leaky Guts, Kidneys, and our liver just to name a few.

I am learning from the best. Kim Traverso , Maryjo Kurtz and I am currently taking some on-line courses to help me heal the inside so I can practice, share and teach.

We must be heal from the inside out. No matter how old you are, we must take responsibility of our overall health.

On this Friday, let's talk about some ways to help our liver. "Love your Liver".

Let us not ignore our liver! Our livers are TOXIC! If you have any of the following, your liver needs some TLC!

  • Bloating/Constipation
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Brain Fog
  • Hormone Problems
  • Eye site seems to be getting worse
This list is actually short. There are many more.
These are all symptoms that I was having and thanks to the research and help from my girls; I am on my way to cleaning out the toxins in my liver.

The past few weeks, I have been doing a few steps to detox the liver. One, which I shared already; the Coffee Enema!! If you have not read the blog on my romantic mornings with me and my coffee, you can find the link here to read all about it. When we clean our liver with nutrition, the coffee enema helps with the removal of the large amounts of toxins

Coffee is obviously not 100% out of my life, I am just taking it in another way!! 

First thing in the morning, I drink warm water with Doterra Lemon Essential Oil. PLEASE DO NOT BUY STORE BOUGHT OILS. Ask my sister how sick she was because she did not want to listen to her younger sister. She learned her lesson!!

Drink water with lemon first thing in the morning helps to flush out unwanted toxins, and helps break down food in your stomach for better digestion.

After my lemon water, depending on if I have a date with coffee, I will have a fresh juice. If you are planning on meeting up with your coffee enema, have the juice after the enema.

Drink plenty of water!!! Add some citrus oils for flavor and additional benefits. Citrus Oils from doterra have are high in limonene. Limonene improves absorption of other terpenes and chemicals by way of the skin, mucous membranes, and digestive tract. Limonene has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties and may help with heartburn and gastric reflux.

My favorite is lemon, grapefruit and tangerine!!

So keep in mind, chances are, our liver does not like us too much. Think of all of the alcohol, processed foods and toxins that we feed it? It is bound to get sick and tired.

In the evening before bed I have been making Castor Oil Liver Packs. Again, just like essential oils, this is nothing new and not a trend. Castor Oil has a long history in Ancient Japanese Arts and Ancient Cultures.

The Liver Pack is to stimulate lymph and liver function. It's east to do and only takes one hour a night before bed. I have been reading or writing in bed with the pack on my liver.

Here's what you need:

  • Cold Pressed Castor Oil (Amazon)
  • Heating Pad
  • Cotton Flannel. Natural, Unbleached) (Amazon)
  • Doterra Zendocrine Essential Oil (Optional but highly recommended) This is a Detoxification Blend that can be diffused or used topically.
I suggest wearing old sweats.

  • Cut a piece of the Cotton Flannel and saturate it in Castor Oil and add 8-10 drops of Zendocrine.
  • Place your flannel on your liver. 
  • Place heating pad on top of the cotton flannel
  • Keep the liver pack on for one hour.
  • When you are done, remove pack and clean the area.
  • You can keep the fabric in a plastic bag in the fridge or a cool place. 

Have a great weekend and don't ignore your liver!! Think about how it must feel.